Matthew 24:11
"Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many."
Matthew 7:20
"In the same way, you will know these false prophets by what they do."
Jesus died for our sins so that we may be forgiven for our sins and if we accept his love & sacrifice, ask for forgiveness and forgive all those who have wronged us then the Lord promises us that we will reside in Heaven with him for eternity.
The false prophet of Islam commands his followers to violate the 6th Commandment "You shall not murder" in the false belief that his followers will gain entry into Heaven for eternity. Obviously these fanatics are being cursed to Hell for following the false teaching of their prophet of death, while at the same time these people are rejecting the grace of the one true God of love & life, who sent his only son to die for our sins.
That being said through the Lord's grace he gave us each free will to choose to worship him. Jesus longs to welcome all people, of all faiths to recognize that he is the one true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who loves each person uniquely and powerfully. The Lord is merciful if you simply follow Jesus, ask for and give forgiveness you will be forgiven and granted the gift of salvation and eternal life in paradise.
I believe the Lord is returning soon and in preparation he has been revealing himself to those who ask or who are near death. Please do your own research on youtube, by watching video testimonials like this one where the only joyful visits with God are with the risen living Lord Jesus.
As Dean Braxton (who was documented in the hospital as dead for an hour & 45 minutes) said when he went to Heaven he saw Jesus he did not see Mohammed or Buddha he just saw Jesus and because Jesus saw himself in Dean he was welcomed into Heaven.