Sunday, August 17, 2014

It's Not a Religion It's a Relationship

On January 17th 2013, I had the honor of meeting Dean Braxton, an individual who offered his near death testimonial at a house church in Beaverton. Dean was dead for 1hour and 45 minutes while he visited with Jesus. This was a turning point in my relationship with Jesus. Soon afterwards I began scouring youtube for more near death stories with Jesus. These near death miracles are multiplying as I believe our Lord is preparing to return soon, as prophesied in Holy Bible. 

During my spiritual journey to gain a closer relationship with Jesus, I have shared what I have learned with others who in turn have advanced my understanding of Christ's powerful individual love for each of us regardless of our sins. We humans are all created by God to have free will so that we may choose to love Jesus freely through faith. God wants to be invited by each person to direct our lives, after we have apologized to our Lord for all our sins and we have genuinely forgiven everyone including ourselves, for all past wrongs. 

Once we accept Jesus's Holy Spirit into our lives, we are not to worry or be angry with anyone as these are examples of defiance towards Jesus. Since Satan tempted Eve there has been a spiritual battle raging between the light of God and the darkness of Satan. The Lord has opened my eyes to the many brilliant miracles happening all around me, from the timing of events to my encounters with certain individuals he places in my life. 

When you reflect on your life, you will see that many times the bad things that have happened to you had to have happened, in order for the blessings to have occurred later on, which were a direct result of those previous bad experiences.

As in military boot camp, often Jesus has to break you down spiritually so that you humble yourself before God and recognize that you cannot live a happy and fulfilled life without asking Jesus to baptize you in the Holy Spirit to be born again in Christ Jesus.

"The Lord our God, the Lord is one and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. The second is this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30

By following God's greatest commandments, you will no longer have a burning desire to compete against each other for the affection or respect of another person or to value any earthly possession over your love for God and others. A great calming peace will descend upon your soul and you will feel a happiness greater than anything you have ever experienced.

LIVE with Lisa Michaels- Near Death Visits with Jesus

16 Individuals Return from Heaven 

May God Bless You!

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