Tuesday, December 29, 2015

All Lost Babies Grow Up In Heaven Waiting for Their Parents

Each of our special unique souls/spirits are placed in our mother's womb at the time of conception which is why a small light flashes can been seen at the moment of fertilization. If we make it out of the our mother's womb alive we have until we die to figure out who created us and this amazing planet. If we reject the one true creator Father, who sent his only son, Jesus Christ, down to Earth as a man to suffer for our sins, then we send our eternal souls to Hell, where there is nothing remotely good because everything good is up in Heaven. Lucky for our lost babies either from a miscarriage or abortion, they all get to avoid the testing grounds of mortal life, because they never had a chance to live their lives and make the ultimate choice they get to go directly to Heaven. 

If you or someone you know has lost a baby in the womb, they should know their child is alive and well being taken care of by our Heavenly Father and if you choose to get to know our Father through his son Jesus you will be reunited with your son or daughter when your Earthly body wears out. It is my belief that sometimes the Father needs to allow babies to grow up in Heaven, because their presence down here on Earth would negatively effected the trajectory of other lives had they been allowed to live in this dimension. We all have a special mission to fulfill here on Earth, but our common mission is to love and care for one another. 

I can't imagine how horrible it would be to lose a child but if we remember once a soul is created it never dies but has simply moved on to an eternal existence in one of two places. This is why it is so important that you share the Bible with your children, because it is simple if it was not then stupid people and small children would never get to Heaven. The enemy seeks to distract you with a wide variety of false idols and religions by making salvation appear to be quite a complicated concept.  

Decide for yourself by watching this testimony of 3 year olds Colton Burpo, who was prayed back from Heaven's nursery, where all our lost babies are given their tiny Heavenly bodies. Our young ones are given the opportunity to mature naturally, learning all about creation and the Father's plans for His magnificent universe.

Colton Burpo met his miscarried sister in Heaven

Some desperately sorrowful parents may reject our Father and Jesus after losing their child, but if everyone did that then no one would make it to Heaven. Remember everyone on this planet will be dying some day, so what you are really mourning is the absence of your loved one, not their death because there is no death for those who have given control of their lives over to Jesus.